Mr. Nii QUAYE-KUMAH (Ghana) - Vice President | AfHF

Nii Quaye-Kumah has played the game of hockey and served in various capacities in its administration since the early 1980s. He served as the Secretary of the Executive Board that successfully managed and transformed Ghana’s Greater Accra Hockey Association in the mid-1990s.
He joined the Executive Board of the Ghana Hockey Association in 2002, and was tasked with managing the secretariat and overseeing media relations. He was elected Honorary Secretary General of the AfHF in 2008, and held that position till 2015 when he was elected Vice President of the Federation. He was re-elected to the position in January 2022.
Nii was, until the year 2013, an International Hockey Federation (FIH) Judge, Technical Official and Tournament Director.
He has officiated at various major FIH and International Olympic Committee (IOC) competitions including the 2004 Pre-Olympic Qualifier in Madrid Spain, the 2005 Junior World Cup in Rotterdam, Netherlands, the 2006 World Cup in Monchengladbach, Germany, the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, the FIH Hero Honda Men’s World Cup in India in 2010 and the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Nii has served on AfHF and FIH Committees and is currently the lead member of the AfHF Appointments Committee.
He was awarded the 2018 FIH Diploma of Merit for his distinguished service to hockey, as well as the 2020 FIH President’s Award for his long and valuable services that have had an indisputable beneficial effect for hockey at international level.